Class Message

Message component, with all its methods and declarations.




_createdAt: number

Timestamp (unix epoch time) of the message's creation.

_deletedAt: null | number

Timestamp (unix epoch time) of the message's deletion.

_lastMessageID: null | string

ID of the last message created with the message itself.

_updatedAt: null | number

Timestamp (unix epoch time) of the last message update/edition.

channelID: string

ID of the channel on which the message was sent.

content: undefined | string

Content of the message.

embeds?: APIEmbedOptions[] | []

Array of message embed.

guildID: null | string

ID of the server on which the message was sent.

id: string | number

Item ID

isPrivate: undefined | boolean
isSilent: undefined | boolean
memberID: string

ID of the message author.

mentions: APIMentions

object containing all mentioned users.

oldContent: null | string

Old content of the message, if edited.

replyMessageIds: string[]

The IDs of the message replied by the message.

type: string

Message type.

webhookID?: null | string

ID of the webhook used to send this message. (if sent by a webhook)


  • get deletedAt(): void | Date
  • string representation of the _deletedAt timestamp.

    Returns void | Date

  • get updatedAt(): void | Date
  • string representation of the _updatedAt timestamp.

    Returns void | Date


  • Add a reaction to this message.


    • reaction: number

      ID of a reaction/emote.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete the last message sent with the message itself.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete the message's original response message.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Remove a reaction from this message.


    • reaction: number

      ID of a reaction/emote.

    Returns Promise<void>